Contact Details
Email address | |
@kavehrazavi | |
Phone | +31 20 598 7907 |
Office | 11A-57 |
Mailing address | Kaveh Razavi Dept of Computer Science NU building, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1111 1081 HV, Amsterdam The Netherlands |
I have recently moved from VUSec to ETH Zürich. You can find my new page here.
About me
I am an assistant professor in the Systems and Networking Security group at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. I am generally interested in computer systems and security with a special focus on commodity hardware and operating systems. I teach courses on Hardware Security and Advanced Operating Systems.
I received a PhD from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in 2015 for improving the scalability of cloud infrastructures. During my PhD, I interned twice with Microsoft Research, building software/hardware prototypes for rack-scale computers. I also have an MSc from ETH Zurich and a BSc from Sharif University of Technology. My research is sometimes picked up by popular media, has won multiple prestigious awards and a personal VENI grant over the years.
Selected Recent Publications
See here for the full list of publications.
- ECCploit wins the distinguished practical paper award at S&P’19!
- Our RIDL attack shows how every thing your Intel CPUs read/write can potentially be leaked. More information: mdsattacks.com
- VU master day!
- Pietro Frigo won the Code Blue young researcher award for his work on security implications of running untrusted WebGL code on integrated GPUs.
- Much media attention for our ECCploit work (S&P’19), showing that ECC memory deployed in server hardware does not stop fully stop Rowhammer attacks.
- Hammertime (a suite of Rowhammer research tools) won the best paper award at RAID’18!
- NWO awarded me a VENI grant to research building secure systems from insecure hardware!
- Much media attention for GLitch (S&P’18, compromising browsers on phones with GPUs), Throwhammer (USENIX ATC’18, Rowhammer attacks over the network), and TLBleed (USENIX Security’18, leaking secrets from shared TLBs). OpenBSD disabled SMT due to the impact of TLBleed.
- AnC (NDSS’17) won the best Dutch cyber security research paper award!
- Drammer (CCS’16) won CSAW applied research best paper award!
- AnC (NDSS’17) won the most innovative research pwnie!
- Drammer (CCS’16) won the best Dutch cyber security research paper award!
- Drammer (CCS’16) won the best privilege escalation pwnie!
- Our AnC attack on the MMU was picked up by the media. AnC significantly compromises ASLR. We need stronger defenses in the browser.
- Much media attention for our Rowhammer-related research with Dedup Est Machina, Flip Feng Shui and Drammer.
- Dedup Est Machina published in S&P’16 won the most innovative research pwnie!
- Hardware Security, MSc, 2016 – 2019 (formerly Secure Software).
- Advanced Operating System, MSc, 2016 – 2019 (formerly Kernel Programming).
- Large-scale Computing Infrastructures, MSc, 2013 – 2015.
Academic Service
- PC: USENIX SEC’20, RAID’19, EuroS&P’19, Middleware’18 (industry track), ESSoS’18, ICDCS’18 (security and short papers tracks), EuroS&P’18, Middlware’17 (poster track), CCS’17, ES WEEK’17, ESSoS’17
- Organization: Middleware’18 (publication chair), HPDC’15 (web chair)
- Reviewer: IEEE TPDS, JPDC, Cluster Computing