Alvise de Faveri Tron

About Me

Hi! I’m (yet another) Italian PhD student in the VUSec group. My research interests include microarchitectural attacks, program analysis, embedded security and (de)compilers.

Before joining VUSec, I worked at the core of the decompiler and worked for an italian space company.

I obtained my MEng cum laude from Politecnico di Milano, where I have been the software team leader of the Skyward Experimental Rocketry rocket team.

Contact Details

Email address
Twitter @HBitmasks
Linkedin alvise-dft
Office NU Building, Room 11A01
Mailing address Alvise de Faveri Tron
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Science
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1111, 1081 HV
Amsterdam North-Holland
The Netherlands
