This year, TLBleed will be presented at Blackhat USA. TLBleed is a new side channel attack that exploits the TLB rather than CPU caches to infer activity from a co-resident hyperthread, the full details of which we have not yet released.

Hope to see you in Vegas!
At ICTOPEN 2018, the Dutch Cyber Security best Research Papers (DCSRP) Award was awarded to AnC. Ben Gras went there to give a talk as one of the five nominees and – the jury of Prof. Dr. Konrad Rieck, Prof. Evangelos Markatos and Dr. Richard Clayton had decided – receive the award. Full story here.
Recorded talk.
Recently (announcement here), Kaveh and Ben gave a talk at about trusting the abstractions we think of when we program applications and kernels. We combine the very different Flip Feng Shui (rogue writing) and AnC (ASLR side channel leaking secrets) projects into a single assumptions-challenging talk.
Again, recorded talk here.
Update: recorded talk here.
Kaveh and Ben will present Flip Feng Shui and AnC at this thursday . We’re combining these projects to a talk reflecting that hardware isn’t as trustworthy as we always assume. See Conference day 1, 16:00 on We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

Systems and Network Security Group at VU Amsterdam