The ECCploit paper by Lucian Cojocar won the Distinguished Practical Paper Award at IEEE Security & Privacy 2019.

The ECCploit paper by Lucian Cojocar won the Distinguished Practical Paper Award at IEEE Security & Privacy 2019.
VUSec researcher Pietro Frigo won the Code Blue Young Researcher Award and because he is now rich, he promises to buy us all drinks for the remainder of his Ph.D. The corresponding paper (“Grand Pwning Unit“) shows how to use the GPU to boost microarchitectural attacks (such as cache side channels and Rowhammer). Here is a picture of the lucky winner:
After winning the EuroSys Roger Needham Ph.D. Award (which VUSec has now won a record 5 times!), Dennis Andriesse’s thesis also won the ACM SIGSAC Ph.D. Dissertation Award at CCS’2018.
Download his thesis here.
At ICTOPEN 2018, the Dutch Cyber Security best Research Papers (DCSRP) Award was awarded to AnC. Ben Gras went there to give a talk as one of the five nominees and – the jury of Prof. Dr. Konrad Rieck, Prof. Evangelos Markatos and Dr. Richard Clayton had decided – receive the award. Full story here.
Drammer won first 2017 CSAW prize in the category Applied Research Best Paper Award.
Luckily, Victor was there to receive this award on behalf of the Drammer team!
To quote the CSAW site:
Accepted papers are presented by one of the student authors in poster-format during CSAW Finals. Industry experts serving as judges evaluate the originality, relevance, and accuracy of the research.
With eligibility limited to previously published papers, this competition has a reputation for drawing some of the best doctoral security research worldwide.
vusec is proud of this academic and industry recognition.
AnC won the 2017 Blackhat Pwnie award in the category Pwnie for Most Innovative Research. Luckily, Victor was there to receive this award on behalf of the AnC team!
To quote the pwnie award site:
Exploit writers have been bending over backwards to try to defeat ASLR for the better part of a decade. Usually this requires finding some soon-to-be-patched memory disclosure bug. Of course this is a hard job and needs to be repeated for different browsers/plugins/versions/etc. Then these guys come along with a universal ASLR bypass based on timing of the caching of memory access. Of course this works using Javascript in most browsers by default and isn’t really something you can fix very easy. Seems too easy, I think I’ll keep looking for infoleaks like a real hacker.
Vusec is proud of the industrial and scientific recognition of this work.
DRAMMER won the 2017 Blackhat Pwnie award in the category Pwnie for Best Privilege Escalation Bug. Luckily, Victor was there to receive his award in person!
To quote the pwnie award site:
Mobile computing row hammer attacks (MC Hammers, for short) are terrifying. You can’t touch them and can only hope that, please, they won’t hurt you.
Vusec is proud of the industrial and scientific recognition of this work.
Dennis’ paper “Compiler-Agnostic Function Detection in Binaries” just won the best paper award at EuroS&P 2017!
During the ICT.Open 2017 conference in de Flint Amersfoort, Victor won the best Dutch Cyber Security Research Paper (DCSRP) award for Drammer. Published at the CCS’16 conference in Vienna, Drammer shows hardware bit flips on mobile devices and their reliable exploitation for the first time.
DCSRP recognizes the best recent non-commercial scientific cyber security research paper in the Netherlands. More information can be found here.